Form or Transform

I like to put people on the spot: promptly, sharply, and without fussing. My Read like the Devil trilogy of books is informed by a practical and dialogic approach, featuring examples of readings that are hard to refute, as the logic behind them is strong.

Here’s an example from my Lenormand course book. I’m happy that I had an occasion to enter into marvelous exchanges with my students, leading to writing books that serve them well.

Once I had a swami predict my future. He said to me: ‘even if you break their necks you will forever be a teacher of students who will love you for it.’ This prediction came to pass. In fact it’s ongoing. I’m busy breaking the habits of the ones who dare to submit to turning their heads towards the unexpected and the genuinely formative. That’s my ambition as a teacher: to teach what forms the student. I leave ‘transformation’ to others.


Marseille Tarot in Spanish

